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Calaveras County Fair Virtual Livestock Auction powered by Show Circuit Online Sales

Sponsored by the Bank of Stockton, Spence Ranch Feed and Supply and Calaveras Cattlemen's Association.


Ag is Our Bag


Each year Calaveras county youth select 4-H, FFA and Independent livestock projects to compete at the County Fair.  In addition to the expense of purchasing their animal, feed, and supplies, these projects require hours of attention to prepare their animals for show.  The youth learn essential life skills such as communication, cooperation, responsibility, and values of food production, along with the humane treatment of animals.  Due to COVID 19 restrictions, the exhibitors will not be showing their animals.   However, through the cooperation of California Food & Agriculture, California Public Health, Calaveras Office of Emergency Services, Calaveras Public Health, the Fair Board of Directors, Staff and the Junior Livestock Committee, there will be a virtual online auction.


Junior livestock projects provide opportunities for young people to develop solid values that will serve their community, wherever they live.  The Junior Livestock Auction provides the community an opportunity to invest in our youth and their future.  Proceeds from the sale of projects often fund college educations, enhancing the ability of these young people to contribute to their communities.

As a buyer, your participation in the sale recognizes youth for the time, expense and effort that has gone into raising an animal for market.  




Can I preregister as a buyer? 

Yes, on the home page.


Will the animals be sold per pound?

No, by the head.


Is "Live Pick Up" an option?

No, resale or harvest and return.


Is there a minimum bid?

Yes, each animals minimum  bid will be the current resale value of the animal.


Will I pay the online company?

No, Buyers will pay the Calaveras Junior Livestock Auction.


How will I select the custom shop I want my purchases to be sent to?

The Fairgrounds will call buyers and get the information.


Will I still have 60 days to pay for my purchases?

Yes, Buyers in good standing will be invoiced.


Can I use a credit card to pay for my purchase?

Yes, call the fairgrounds office and the staff will handle it for you.


Will the credit card I registered with be charged?



Why is the Auction not listed on the SC Online sales website?

The Calaveras Junior Livestock Auction is private and will open on Sunday, May 17.


How do I split a purchase?

Register in your name and after the sale, tell the office who the other buyers are.


How do I purchase for more than one organization?

You can register multiple numbers if you have multiple email addresses or just use one number and tell the office after the sale.


Can I boost a seller?

Yes, Buyers can boost by calling the Fairgrounds office.  Buyers can boost an exhibitor up through May May 31, 2020.  Do not boost on line.


If I have security concerns or represent a company, can I register with the fairgrounds office.

Yes, please call the fairgrounds.


How long will each lot be on the auction website?

Each lot will be on the website for the entire 4 hours.


Additional Questions 209.736.2561 or email Kasey Musachia at

On Behalf of the Board of Directors, Fair Staff and Junior Livestock Committee thank you for your support.  These are challenging times but together we are stronger and will not only survive but thrive.



The virtual auction is subject  to change due to recommendations from Calaveras County Public Health.

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2465 Gun Club Road

PO Box 489
Angels Camp CA 95222

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Seasonal Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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